I remember submitting THAT column to THAT newspaper - who incidentally expressed no qualms at the time about publishing it. It was only later when the TRAs started convulsing that they starting quaking in their collective pussy boots.
If you’re one of the few people in the whole wide world who hasn’t read it here ‘tis. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/rachel-stewart-terf-a-derogatory-term-to-shut-down-debate/L5L4EDM35MNO6BAUIL4GVZWQFI/
My thoughts were that New Zealanders needed to know what the Green Party was trying to sneak through regarding gender ID, and that nobody else was talking about it publicly. At all.
My other thought was it was going to be a rough ride on social media when it came out. Yep. I was right. Every (bearded) man and his dog decided I was a heinous lesbian cow who need to be herded back into line - and loudly yelled so.
Fellow media called me a transphobe, bigot, conspiracy theorist, anti-Semitic for mentioning George Soros (yet strangely not anti-Nebraskan for mentioning Warren Buffett), a rightwing apologist, and every other slur you can conjure involving females. Because when they’re busy abusing you they seem to know instinctively what a real female’s body parts consist of. Funny that.
Two years on I feel even more sure of my words. The fact is that everything I said has come to pass.
The weak and compromised Media Council pinged the NZ Herald (who weren’t all that helpful in my defence) with a wet fish slap on the wrist over my three little words “it’s already happening”. I mean, they felt they had to do something given the ‘woke’ outrage. Yet, more than ever, the proof of what I said is everywhere.
BigPharma is not our friend. Their trans money train is roaring along at full speed knocking over all and sundry with all the care and concern we’ve come to expect from runaway capitalism. Anyone stupid enough to believe that big bucks aren’t behind the trans cult is as deluded as a man in a dress thinking he’s a woman.
They want to sell more puberty blockers and more sex change ops to anyone experiencing gender dysphoria. Quickly too. It’s all positive affirmation, and good vibes. This will solve all of your problems!
Nah, it won’t. But it does help BigPharma enormously when they can hook another sucker on lifelong drugs.
When can I expect that apology from the Media Council? Tap, tap. tap.
Yay, it worked.
Glad to hear ya loud and clear!
This current fashion trend of liberal trans nonsense is deeply disturbing. I doubt the ultra woke and lazy thinkers understand the time bomb it truely is.
Big Pharma point well made, keep going hard...!
Third attempt to add comment, let’s see if this works...