Nice to catch up with your work again!Saw a clip from the Netherlands of a woman saying they feel as though there Government was really just telling them (in action) to “save yourself”. I think that’s basically the truth of the matter. So people should.
Bravo, Rachel. But I fear it will be unseen, or worse, ignored by those who's minds are closed. The us and them divide, long embedded in human nature, gets ever wider.
Gosh, prescient words. The last few years has seen my world turn right around, and those whom I would have dismissed as "not my sort" once, I now see as perhaps 'the sort' the world needs. I don't support destructive and violent activism, but I would really like to see less pretentiousness just from having a higher education.
Anyway, clearly you're not somewhere between and Culverden and Reefton in the South Island, if you got enough internet coverage to get the news about Trump. Also, there's no coastal view between those towns, so safe guess?
Thanks Rachel. I do enjoy your writing. What seems to me to be one of the problems in America is the cult of personality. Trump does it very well and has constructed this personna of himself (think of those cards with him as superman) that resonates with a lot of people who feel disenfranchised. You are right about the Left, it is too bound up in intellectual discourse that it forgets to go talk to the people and find out what they need.
Putin is another personality driven leader as is Kim Jong-un and Xi Xinping. If all four of them are in power together I think Kaboom will be the least of it.
Bang on. How do I send this to my son who’s lived in USA over 30 yrs ?
Just copy the url here:
and past into an email.
Sorry, paste into an email.
Well said!
Nice to catch up with your work again!Saw a clip from the Netherlands of a woman saying they feel as though there Government was really just telling them (in action) to “save yourself”. I think that’s basically the truth of the matter. So people should.
Bravo, Rachel. But I fear it will be unseen, or worse, ignored by those who's minds are closed. The us and them divide, long embedded in human nature, gets ever wider.
Gosh, prescient words. The last few years has seen my world turn right around, and those whom I would have dismissed as "not my sort" once, I now see as perhaps 'the sort' the world needs. I don't support destructive and violent activism, but I would really like to see less pretentiousness just from having a higher education.
Anyway, clearly you're not somewhere between and Culverden and Reefton in the South Island, if you got enough internet coverage to get the news about Trump. Also, there's no coastal view between those towns, so safe guess?
I'm very high up in the Richmond Ranges. So, coverage is not too bad.
Yes, 'the sort' of people the world needs right now are likely not terribly academic. Frankly.
Thanks Rachel. I do enjoy your writing. What seems to me to be one of the problems in America is the cult of personality. Trump does it very well and has constructed this personna of himself (think of those cards with him as superman) that resonates with a lot of people who feel disenfranchised. You are right about the Left, it is too bound up in intellectual discourse that it forgets to go talk to the people and find out what they need.
Putin is another personality driven leader as is Kim Jong-un and Xi Xinping. If all four of them are in power together I think Kaboom will be the least of it.
Yeah, I don’t know if the potential KABOOM is limited to those guys. Or the cult of personality.
It could just as easily be another four politicians that you personally approve of.