Indeed! Things are inside out, back to front, and upside down. I'm even sure we'd quite like each other in person.

And since the Herald days, I have awakened to the dire straits we find ourselves in. Thanks for your comment. Best to you.

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Thank you for watching Fire and Fury so others don't have to.

Sadly I do think it can and will go on, like some eastern bloc country where everybody knows they're full of it but nothing changes. Life goes on but things suck and stay stucking.

Until somebody does something about it, anyway.

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What are you doing, Jack? Time for Strong Men to Stand Up and take action.

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Not how it works, sadly.

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Great piece e hoa.

Free speech is for everyone. Demockery is what's in place in NZ now - democracy died on the lawn of the Freehive 10 Feb 2022 when the po battered ordinary citizens. Mendacious old man Ducky and his 'Get off my lawn' sprinkler moment; now a plum job in Ireland WTF. Rewarding seething mediocrity. Churnalists have taken Cindy Hard-on's $ so this is what we get. #NEVERSurrender

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I’m the sort of person who has a desire for law and order. Seeing unruly and/or chaotic events cleared away relieves me. I’ve actually been on many protests in my life, but they’ve been well conducted. Defunding the police is bollox in my opinion, imperfect though they are in some areas. I’m aware of what drives my need for order, but don’t feel the need to ‘fix’ myself. Spent enough of my life trying to do that, and now I’m done. However, it’s good for me to read pieces like this to make me uncomfortable, and to pause and think about how we can’t just ‘tidy’ everyone away or shut them down when they say the ’wrong’ things. I, too, say things that people don’t like (think SUfW), and would be incensed if I was shut down. I'd work my butt off to find a way around it. There’s every chance I’d get in that ditch alongside you –– after I’d cleared away some of the mess, of course 😊 And possibly I'd give the dying part a miss, too.

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Beautifully put. We can't NOT listen to other opinions or political movements. We need to know what's happening before things happen - for good or for ill.

You know, that "dying part"? None of us are gonna miss that.

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Haha - true! Dying’s one thing we can absolutely rely on.

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Hi Rachel, I used to read you articles in the Herald when my blood pressure allowed. I usually had steam coming out my ears if I finished them. Then you last two, on guns and democracy from memory, actually had me agreeing with you.

Now I’m getting links to your articles from the BFD and subscribing!

What’s happened to us?

Great piece and comments by the way.



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Great piece obviously. What has been confusing me over the years, or exercising me, is I don't fully understand the process whereby jounalists went from objective professionals of a respected fourth estate, the defenders of free speech, burying their prejudice and bias, to first advocacy journalists (who were just lobbyists for their normally Marxist causes) to these shallow propagandists they are now. Was it the movement from Marxism to Identity, the most evil nonsense humans have stumbled over since Fascism? I once really respected Penfold, as you did, from my blogging days I corresponded with many journalists - not Penfold - and many followed me on Twitter right up until my permanent ban: a couple have sent me 'nice' messages since, and I appreciated that: but I don't recognise them any more. The Penfold I respected could never produce this shallow, hateful Fire and Fury BS, what did happen? It's not just that fund, their movement away from professionalism to advocacy then Identity had happened long before this.

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Well, the journalism schools certainly aren't what they used to be. Just a generational shift coupled with lax standards, no money, lack of resources and a general dearth of caring about the things that you and I care probably about. Identity politics has changed the game massively. It's all bread and circuses now.

Regarding Penfold. I can only suspect she - along with heaps of others - is suffering from emotions getting away on her. This last two years has been hell for most of us and nobody is exempt from that. It has to show up in people's work. Logically.

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Though Dimocrat-slanted, 'The Brainwashing of my Dad' documentary gives an insight, at least in 'MuriKKKa, what happened in part. Reagan struck off a law (journalistic balance? been a while) in his term, and nek minit there's a proliferation of 'media schools' churning out Ticker Carlsons and such. Very interesting to see the decline.

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Although Tucker is starting to look like 'Deep Throat' compared to many!

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Yep, it is the only game in town. Appreciate your thoughts.

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your going to be on the top of that hill you stood up for everyone

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Hah, yeah, maybe but I suspect there will be no Hollywood ending to this one.

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no it never ends the way we wish in the movies

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A superb piece that articulated all I have been thinking and feeling but didn't have words to express so clearly.

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Brilliant column - I loved reading this! As someone who grew up having debates from all sorts of people, I find it depressing now that so many get "outraged" and call for being cancelled/unfollow because you have a different viewpoint. I always think I'm right - until someone proves that I'm not. I love learning from other people and I also like being shocked/'offended' and being challenged all the time. It's how we find consensus and move forwards as one. And holy hell - how much do you LEARN in life being challenged thoughtfully. Happy grave digging! :)

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Sensible man.

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I believe your will be at the top of the hill, albeit a knackering climb. Great read!

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I listened to you on the platform a couple of days ago and here I am, yet again pleasantly surprised with this read. You’ve nailed it and for me this is the only game in town - Covid response, censorship, mandates, segregation. Please keep it up, your voice is important, now more than ever.

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Great piece Rachel.

Truly - we are facing the greatest attack on our democracy in living memory, from the enemy within.

That vile "Stuff" was completely outrageous and watching the hand waving sanctimonious Kate Hannah being used as a mouthpiece puppet was gutter journalism. This is not "mainstream media". This is straight out Pravda, government propaganda!!

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Yes, it's not looking good for us. We must keep fighting.

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