Very well articulated.

I am not in the least ashamed of my covid-vax-free status, but I am utterly perplexed at how this status has pigeon-holed me by the likes of Plunket el al.

The Platform for me is a bit like the National party - I am only paying them attention because the opposition is even worse.

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Now that is interesting.

No disagreement at all, Rachel. Sean doesn't get it, nor that he is just the other side of the coin from Paula Penfold. And the pity is he does do good work on some topics, such as the Disinformation monstrosity set up by Labour. But he is now trenchant against those of us who didn't take Pfizer, he's totally misinformed and too arrogant to ever view the topic with a critical mind - he's all ego - and it's not coincidental that Rodney Hide never gets airtime anymore.

The best public broadcaster today is Leighton Smith: he's the only journalist with a reputation prepared to interview Dr. Guy Hatchard, and he's like the best interviewers - Larry King for example - he's respectful without being cloying, he's objective and professional, and he listens and is curious about what his interviewee has to say. What we once called the Fourth Estate.

Not trying to push myself as it got enough reads anyway, but here's my article on the BFD from last week as to why The Platform is not the resistance:


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Yes, I've read that Mark. Good stuff.

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That was a great read - thanks for sharing.

Plunket and his producer have both been in hospital for heart conditions recently, right?

Obviously we can't say for sure what caused them. But I do wonder if, somewhere buried deeply beneath many murky layers of cognitive dissonance, Plunket has a tiny niggling inner voice whispering "the covid jab causes heart problems".

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Mark you disappeared from Twitter. Did you remove yourself or were you removed?

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Nice of you to ask Lyn :) Twitter gave me a lifetime ban on August 3 for asking what was the rationale of getting a booster to create the more harmful Alpha Covid spike in your body to protect you from the heavily mutated Omicron spike.

I won't be back as it's a fascist platform vis a vis free speech and won't give them the satisfaction of clicks :)

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Except Elon Musk is about to take over, so....

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I spend little time there now. It was negatively affecting my mental health so I have a look once a week or so but otherwise stay away. Your departure was noted and presence missed.

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This is brilliant Mark.

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I haven’t listened to the commercial radio or Government sponsored radio for 5 and a half years. The inanity and bias is tedious. Somethings used to be fun , radio, Twitter, et al but no longer. High quality music streaming and some patience combing the web for media content of countries where there are more than two tax payer reliant media outlets keeps me pretty well informed. Plunket was the same on Twitter, yo yo all over the place, you’re better off out of it

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I had the exact same experience. Was thoroughly enjoying the honeymoon ad free experience and anti-woke agenda, albeit it that the app was and still is pretty hopeless.

But after one too many ignorant anti-MRNA put downs (note not anti-vax), including the labelling of the caller as a "moron", I too have lost faith and haven't listened since. Plunkett needs to learn how to listen and only once he has will he be able to properly promote his platform as somewhere where you don't get cancelled.

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Maybe you could buy The Platform to deal with the raucous tenant? :-) I have to admit that I'm disappointed the way Sean and Michael have reverted to type and beyond, too. It's really uncomfortable and unpleasant listening at times. I seldom listen live to The Platform now, after having high hopes for a breath of fresh air, although I'll watch and listen to some of the clips they post after the interviews. There has been some talk that they're pulling their heads in a bit now, especially Sean, but that's just anecdotal at the moment.

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After initially seeing The Platform as being the site I'd been waiting for, I joined the flight to Reality Check Radio. The turning point was the funeral director "interview", followed closely by the sudden absence of anything to do with those choosing not to be vaccinated. I'd even begun to think kindly of Michael Laws for interviewing the VFF founders, something I'd never thought could happen! Great conversation with Marie at RCR yesterday, Rachael.

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The funeral director "interview" was the turning point for me too.

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Totally agree, Rachel. I too was very surprised at and uncomfortable with Sean's attack.

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well articulated Mark, I would find it hard to write that overview without screaming in full caps, so restrained even.

Rachel nailed it re Plunket and similarly restrained.

For me, aside from the impacts of mandates and the loss of some freinds , my choice not to get vaccinated has led to a pervasive cynicism about anything government and institutions say and claim to be true.

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I totally agree with you Rachel. I had high hopes for The Platform and thoroughly enjoyed Rodney Hide's style of interviewing and subject matter.

Sean is generally very good when it doesn't involve Covid, although he does tend to talk over his interviewees at times which I find annoying. Michael Laws is of the style which doesn't really endure me to him.

A pity they couldn't be a little more like the veteran interviewer Leighton Smith; both men could learn a thing or two from his style and also class of subject and interviewee.

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That Man claims to have awards for his Journalist prowess. Simple fact is he's not a Journalists A-hole.

He's an utter embarrassment to his so called profession, who's a nice guy until someone does not see the world as his enlightened self - a waste of space I had high hopes of his new empire being the "Resistance" fool Me once shame on Me, Shame Me twice shame on you.

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Sean has been a journalist for nigh on 40 years - and won awards. Like it or not, he IS definitely a journalist - and was a very good one on National Radio some years ago. I simply won't write off a whole career that easily. All of which may help you to understand why I am so disappointed in his work currently.

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I agree. Disappointed!

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had also been a big fan of the show and had hope for it at the start,it seems clear to me that Sean was using and targeted an audience to start the show with that doesnt trust MSM,then found it impossiable to find advertiser and has been blackbooked by many organisations in nz,and the disinformation project.He is now going out of his way to attack anyone with a different view on the vaccine and proudly promoted on the show he would be attending paliaments christmas party this year.

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I'm actually a bit worried about him.

His robust scepticism has been replaced with highly hypocritical vitriol.

Seems to have been since around the time of his heart attack.

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Yes, and I share your worry.

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Unfortunately Plunkets intransigence is incredibly off putting. I’ve switched off from The Platform. Ignorance is a choice and it’s a pity for the Wrights, his funders. They have either actively encouraged this ignorance or turned a blind eye to it. As people drop dead ‘suddenly’ in NZ on the daily, this should be the story of our lifetimes. Someone else I know was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. Just another in the long list of sudden and ‘rare’ health issues those around me have experienced in the last year.

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To be fair, people do get diagnosed with cancer every day of the week. Year in and year out. It's the dropping down dead of the young and fit that interests me. And that's happening far more than it should.

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Yes they do. But blood cancers are seeming particularly common and aggressive and have been linked to the vaccine. Eugyppius (on Substack) has been doing the numbers on cancers and they are through the roof. Injecting people with mRNA to get your body to create a protein that your body then produces antibodies against is basically injecting people with auto immune disease - your own body attacking itself - expect to see more cancers in the months and years to come. It’s going to get ugly.

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I guess I am playing devil's advocate. I agree with you but I also know how the average Sean treats your original statement about "yesterday my friend was diagnosed with cancer". I suppose I'm wanting us to do better on the anecdotes so that they can't so easily dismiss what's being said. Make sense?

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Because we know the Seans don't do any research. At all.

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100%. I’m not trying to convince anyone, I’m just noting with interest. Among my friends and acquaintances I have seen blood clots, shingles, myocarditis (several), ‘heart palpitations’ resulting in several visits ED (multiple people, mostly diagnosed as ‘anxiety’)blood cancers x 2, 1 x aortic dissection, aggressive breast cancer, bile duct cancer, cellulitis, stroke. People just generally breaking down. This is in the last 12 months. All ages. I don’t know any ‘died suddenly’s’ yet personally. I have noticed the decline in the health of those around me, it is marked. These things are easily dismissed as normal happenings. I notice that the increase in all cause mortality is being attributed largely to deferred treatment during Covid and an ageing population. This is the perfect way to hide the damage. It will take some political will to investigate if the health decline is vaccine related. As you know, that will is not there. The British government have just declined an enquiry into the vaccine fallout. The US VAERS numbers should have been ringing alarm bells for 18 months. Apparently there’s nothing to see here. That’s how you cover up a culling.

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Oct 26, 2022
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It’s quite possible there are several damaging mechanisms at work. The spike protein is a toxin and is responsible for damage, I experienced an injury which has resulted in permanent tinnitus in one ear after spending the weekend with a newly vaxxed friend and also suffered an injury immediately after my bout of Covid which I believe is related. I saw similar physical breakdown/injury in my husband and son post covid, none of us are vaxxed. Natural health practitioners are treating long covid and vax injuries as the same thing. There is definitely an auto immune disease disadvantage to having had the vaccine also. I’ve seen the metals/oxides videos. I don’t know enough to have formed an opinion on the mechanism of injury of the metals or the reason these things are in the vaccines. I’ve seen theorising that they are like ‘mini razor blades’ and are what is responsible for the endothelial damage. We obviously need more study into this. It would be helpful first of all to get an admission that they’re there in the first place!

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Oct 25, 2022Edited
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Crikey. Wish I'd heard that call :)

The Platform is definitely not government funded, I'll give Sean that: it's - from my understanding - 100% funded by the Wright family, which is no secret as the family head - sorry can't remember his name - has quite a long print interview in the MSM on funding the channel. And good on the Wright family, someone had to try and give an alternative to the bias and unprofessionalism of our MSM ... but I don't think the person to run that is Sean. At the very least have one presenter whose on 'our side' of the Covid debate, a Rodney Hide, Chantelle Baker, someone. Then perhaps he can call that presenter's show 'The Resistance'. The Tina women they use as a stand in now is jabbed up to the eyeballs and openly as dismissive and scornful of we who didn't take Pfizer - for our very good reasons - as Sean is.

Um, re the Wright family, they are big into the education sector, so presumably they had a lot of staff under the enforced mandates: perhaps there's a conflict of some sort there as to how Covid is covered on The Platform, I have no idea what the contractural ties are.

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Oct 25, 2022Edited
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Which is no indicator of anything to do with the funding of The Platform. Or with Sean's own opinions on Covid and vaccines.

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Oct 26, 2022
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Oct 31, 2022
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Yeah, I have. I'll be honest with you, Richard. I find you a tad annoying. You pester. Harangue. And never seem to temper yourself. But that's just my opinion.

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