This is a copy of my reply to Rachel's email about the post. I was deeply moved by it.

Rachel, please forgive me for repeating it here. I wanted to be sure you saw it, for you deserve to know how much you are appreciated, not only by your faithful supporters, but by some like me who sometimes are at odds with you. Respect.

Here it is:

That's a real tribute, Rachel. Thanks for your honesty.

And the songbirds keep singing

Like they know the score

And I love you, I love you, I love you

Like never before, like never before,

Like never before

She wrote that, Rachel, as I am sure you know. And sang it so achingly well that I'd feel rather cross if anyone attempted it. Well, nearly anyone. k d lang could probably cut it.

Sobering to hear of your medical trouble. I've a couple of my own - double inguinal hernia and on the interminable waiting list purgatory that pases for action in the fantasy land of politicians. And now bradycardia, arythmia and uncharacteristic hypertension. I, who have basked all my life in the smug fool's paradise of a 120 over 80 BP, 60 per minute pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of 98 per cent minimum. Thought I was bulletproof!

But here's the point. 77 years of self-indulgence, heavy smoking for over 50 of them, regular drinking and carnival behaviour too often. No room for complaints there, my friend. Neither excuse nor reason to play the not fair poor me game. And more, all prognoses are good, the root causes are being addressed, and I'm feeling good.

You're too young to compete in the old fart slide to the undertaker. Get well, Rachel. I want to enjoy your columns, your wisdom, and our occasional remote internet disputes, for the rest of my life. Should I find myself outlasting you, that would indeed give me reason to say "It ain't fair. We wuz robbed!"



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Wow. Speechless. Thank you, John. Go well.

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Oh, and about K.D. Lang? Yes, she could maybe "cut it" indeed.

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Real grief is a good companion when you need her. She appears when you least expect her but not always when you think she should.

Go well in with your medical challenges

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Beautifully put. I don't mind the challenges, but I really don't enjoy the system. I'll survive, but some in said system will suffer!

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Good luck and best wishes for full recovery.

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You are over 60???????

If you take away anything from this comment of mine it’s that I could’ve sworn you were nearly 2 decades younger than that. ♥️♥️

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I have my mother's skin and many say I look mid-40s - which is nice but time is catching up on me. My knees hurt, and I'm grumpy as fuck!

But you knew that, mate!

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Hand on heart… I never saw you as grumpy (covers mouth, spits drink a little)

Time is only reminding you. It’s not catching up. Bitch slap it back to where time belongs!


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Good luck on your health journey. Im going through mine right now. My flood gates opened in March but Im a fighter like Christine. I know you are too. Go well Rachel.

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Beautiful and heartfelt thoughts Rachel, thanks so much for sharing.

You don’t know me from a brass razoo (social media and then internet can be weird like that), but firstly I wanted to say that I wish you all the very best for your health and recovery. I battled breast cancer last year, it came out of nowhere and knocked me for 6 and I agree, it’s most inconvenient and annoying! You sound like an incredibly optimistic and positive person to me so I reckon that’s half the battle won right there.

Secondly, I also found myself in a wee heap this morning at the news of Chrissy McVie’s sad passing. Fleetwood Mac are a massive part of the soundtrack of my life (to steal The Sound’s catch phrase) and I’m convinced music has saved my life and soul many many times. Particularly the music I grew up with in the 70’s.

Anger is a difficult beast to tame at times, but it sounds like you have some wonderful support around you.

Take Care and all the best.

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I quite like brass razoos. Thanks Vanessa.

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So very sorry to read of your troubles. When my daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer I found this very helpful. You didn't say what your health problem was and although this refers to cancer, the message is just as pertinent for other conditions, physical and mental & emotional and not just for people with the problem but those supporting them, because someone has to care for the carer.: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-xpm-2013-apr-07-la-oe-0407-silk-ring-theory-20130407-story.html

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Thanks Ele. A very helpful article. Very.

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Take care. Please. 🙏

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